Cert NAET Dip DNC DipReflex
"When my food intolerances were treated, I was able to eat those foods I hadn't eaten for a long time, without having any negative effects."

contact carolyn dennett

If you have any questions about any of the services offered by Carolyn, or you would like further information or you would like to discuss your specific requirements, please don't hesitate to contact us now. We will attempt to answer your questions fully and cater for your requirements. You can contact us via one of the methods below.

Practice Clinic in Winslow, Bucks MK18 3BN

Home visits are possible by arrangement, at a small extra cost

07714 705933

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This information is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with your Doctor who is familiar with your medical needs.

"The NAET treatments and regular massage have helped support my physical and emotional well being."