Cert NAET Dip DNC DipReflex
"When my food intolerances were treated, I was able to eat those foods I hadn't eaten for a long time, without having any negative effects."

Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique

Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique - NAET was first developed by Dr Devi S Nambudripad in 1983, and practised by over 10,000 medical practitioners worldwide. This simple yet extremely effective technique is completely natural, non-invasive, does not use needles and is drug free.

Naet therapy can strengthen the immune system as it assists with the absorption of essential nutrients needed for good health

Using a method of chiropractic techniques and kinesiology, NAET has been effectively used in treating all types of health issues as well as balancing energy from one day old infants through to teenagers, as well as to those in much later life.

viles used in NAET treatments

The technique is taught by Dr Nambudripad in California, USA, to currently licensed NAET practitioners. These practitioners are strictly regulated and follow a code of medical rules and etiquette.

Carolyn Dennett has trained and successfully completed the NAET basic and advanced courses in London and Amsterdam, qualifying in 2007. In addition to the NAET training, Carolyn has the added advantage of also having studied nutrition, counselling, body massage and reflexology.

Neuromuscular sensitivity testing is conducted to compare the strength of a muscle in the presence and absence of a suspected allergen. The muscles are weaker when holding a computer generated copy of the allergens magnetic field. The energy in their muscles will be reduced if he or she has an ‘allergic’ response to it. In NAET, this is usually detected in the strength of the arm. This is called a 'muscle response test'. The treatment then involves acupressure down the spine.

more information on NAET therapies

As Naet is wordwide browse on our 2 Naet websites for more information...

This information is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with your Doctor who is familiar with your medical needs.

"The NAET treatments and regular massage have helped support my physical and emotional well being."