Cert NAET Dip DNC DipReflex
"When my food intolerances were treated, I was able to eat those foods I hadn't eaten for a long time, without having any negative effects."

Milton Keynes allergy treatment testimonials

NAET Helped My Son!

"We tried NAET allergy elimination technique because we were desperate… and curious. It didn't make sense to me how it works and it still doesn't, but you know what? I don't care. What I care about is that my baby was successfully treated with NAET for his allergies within 3 months with no drugs or chemicals."

"When he was 6 months traditional doctors told me that his allergies to egg, wheat, milk, peanuts and soy were so severe (they determined this by RAST testing), that there was no way he would outgrow them within the next 2 years."

"Well, with NAET, his egg allergy was treated in 24 hours and by the time he was one he could eat everything except dairy."

"On top of this, his eczema disappeared and he became the happiest baby ever. NAET rocks!"

featured testimonial

"Since having had NAET treatments with Carolyn, my energy levels have greatly improved and I am no longer experiencing symptoms of chronic fatigue. I am so pleased to have found out about NAET, it has turned my life around"

patient a | Surrey

"I have always suffered from severe hay fever and pet allergies. Since being treated with NAET my symptoms have disappeared, as I can now breathe freely and even just bought a cat, which I certainly would not have previously contemplated."

patient b | Northampton

"I always used to suffer with constant colds and feeling constantly tired. Since Carolyn has treated me for NAET, my energy levels have risen and my immune system has been stronger. I can’t even remember the last time I suffered from a cold."

patient c | Cambridge

"The NAET treatments have helped support my physical and emotional well being. While going througha very difficult time, the care and support has been invaluable, giving me a strong immune system and healthier body."

patient d | Saffron Walden

This information is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with your Doctor who is familiar with your medical needs.

"The NAET treatments and regular massage have helped support my physical and emotional well being."